Complete with a fantastic array of vehicles designed for specific rescue missions, and a canine sidekick, Gemini Force One: Black Horizon hints at more than being an updated version of Thunderbirds (that honour goes to what ITV are currently getting up to…), it’s a finely crafted adventure story with all the potential it needs to gain a loyal audience of youngsters. There’s a bevy of classic Anderson references for older fans to spot too (look out for Ben’s favourite rock band!), and that cross-appeal will surely work in the novel’s favour. All in all, a blast of a book from cover to cover.

Comments Off on Complete with a fantastic array of vehicles designed for specific rescue missions, and a canine sidekick, Gemini Force One: Black Horizon hints at more than being an updated version of Thunderbirds (that honour goes to what ITV are currently getting up to…), it’s a finely crafted adventure story with all the potential it needs to gain a loyal audience of youngsters. There’s a bevy of classic Anderson references for older fans to spot too (look out for Ben’s favourite rock band!), and that cross-appeal will surely work in the novel’s favour. All in all, a blast of a book from cover to cover. Continue Reading →

Harris keeps the tension high throughout the action sequences, providing enough information for you to envisage what’s happening in your mind’s eye without slowing things down too much with extraneous detail, and by the end chances are you too will be invested in the future exploits of GF1…

Comments Off on Harris keeps the tension high throughout the action sequences, providing enough information for you to envisage what’s happening in your mind’s eye without slowing things down too much with extraneous detail, and by the end chances are you too will be invested in the future exploits of GF1… Continue Reading →

GF1 is a fantastic mix of new and old. M.G. Harris has done an amazing job developing Anderson’s trademark formula of ADVENTURE and RESCUE to inspire a new generation of fans. Whilst also enabling old fans like me to buzz back to my childhood days. It has everything that you would want and expect from a five star book. You’ll soon find yourself rocketing to Tracey Island once you start this epic adventure.

Comments Off on GF1 is a fantastic mix of new and old. M.G. Harris has done an amazing job developing Anderson’s trademark formula of ADVENTURE and RESCUE to inspire a new generation of fans. Whilst also enabling old fans like me to buzz back to my childhood days. It has everything that you would want and expect from a five star book. You’ll soon find yourself rocketing to Tracey Island once you start this epic adventure. Continue Reading →

like Thunderbirds, this first Gemini Force 1 book is also full of fast-paced action and adventure, and even more importantly it is a really exciting and hugely enjoyable read.

Comments Off on like Thunderbirds, this first Gemini Force 1 book is also full of fast-paced action and adventure, and even more importantly it is a really exciting and hugely enjoyable read. Continue Reading →

For all its heavy themes and appeal to Anderson fans of any age however, Black Horizon is undoubtedly a young adult novel at heart. Regardless of what Gemini Force may throw at Ben, his own struggles with school, fitting in, and getting noticed by girls are never far away. (Gemini Force 1) is the true successor to Thunderbirds’ crown. In Gemini Force 1, Gerry Anderson has created something that is more than deserving of finding an audience on its own merits, and with Black Horizon, MG Harris has ensured that it is also more than capable.

Comments Off on For all its heavy themes and appeal to Anderson fans of any age however, Black Horizon is undoubtedly a young adult novel at heart. Regardless of what Gemini Force may throw at Ben, his own struggles with school, fitting in, and getting noticed by girls are never far away. (Gemini Force 1) is the true successor to Thunderbirds’ crown. In Gemini Force 1, Gerry Anderson has created something that is more than deserving of finding an audience on its own merits, and with Black Horizon, MG Harris has ensured that it is also more than capable. Continue Reading →

Prepare yourself, the action and adventure not only starts immediately, it simply doesn’t stop. 16 year old headstrong Ben has a fabulous role model, his mother is courageous, determined and loyal, she is absolutely someone you would want by your side in an emergency. You can definitely feel the influence of Gerry Anderson as there is a hint of ‘Thunderbirds’ in Gemini Force 1, however this is a refreshingly modern twist on the story of a rescue organisation.

Comments Off on Prepare yourself, the action and adventure not only starts immediately, it simply doesn’t stop. 16 year old headstrong Ben has a fabulous role model, his mother is courageous, determined and loyal, she is absolutely someone you would want by your side in an emergency. You can definitely feel the influence of Gerry Anderson as there is a hint of ‘Thunderbirds’ in Gemini Force 1, however this is a refreshingly modern twist on the story of a rescue organisation. Continue Reading →

Thirty pages in and you may well be humming the Thunderbirds theme tune under your breath. M.G. Harris is a very skilled storyteller, weaving together narrative strands into one compelling experience. Black Horizon is a fantastic thriller for adrenaline junkies of all ages.

Comments Off on Thirty pages in and you may well be humming the Thunderbirds theme tune under your breath. M.G. Harris is a very skilled storyteller, weaving together narrative strands into one compelling experience. Black Horizon is a fantastic thriller for adrenaline junkies of all ages. Continue Reading →